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RSHE consultation - Closed 8th January 2021
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Consultation 2020
As required by law, we are having a consultation opportunity with parents to look at the new RSHE curriculum to gather your views before the implementation of the new RSHE policy.
At Sholden C of E Primary School we have introduced a whole school PSHE scheme called Jigsaw. Jigsaw combines PSHE, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they related to other people in this ever-changing world.
There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) each with six Pieces (lessons). Every year group studies the same Puzzle at the same time (sequentially ordered from September to July). This allows for whole school themes to be shared and celebrated across the school. Each year group is taught one lesson per week and all lessons are delivered in an age- and stage-appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs.
The different puzzle pieces are:
1: Being Me In My World
2: Celebrating Differences
3: Dreams and Goals
4: Healthy Me
5: Relationships
6: Changing Me
Public information for parents:
All schools are required to consult with parents with regards to these changes. In order to do this, I invite you to read our new, draft “Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy”, along with our PSHE Policy. Please find below additional Jigsaw materials, you may find useful (Information for Parents and Carers, LGBT Parent Leaflet and RSHE – A guide for parents and carers leaflet).
Our Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy sets out what is going to be taught in each year group and provides you with further information regarding your rights as parents about this important area of the curriculum. JIGSAW have also provided a very useful information booklet regarding any LGBTQ content within the new curriculum. This is also linked below for further information.
We would also recommend that parents visit the webpage below from the Department for Education that explains a little more about the changes and provides some answers to some frequently asked questions.
In order to give us your opinion regarding these proposed changes, please read our draft policy and information booklets and email any feedback or questions to the office at
Draft Policy
We ask that all feedback is provided no later than 8th January 2020.
Jigsaw information leaflets
Parent Letter
Finalised Policies can be found on the School Policy page