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- Pupil Premium Funding
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Pupil Premium Funding
Sholden Primary School receives extra funding for those children who are deemed to be in a vulnerable group: this funding is called the Pupil Premium. Children are deemed to be in this group if they fall into one of the following categories:
Ever 6 Free School Meals - which means any child who has been, or is currently entitled to Free School Meals. The funding for this money goes back 6 years, even if the child has not been eligible for free school meals for 5 years, hence the reason it is called Ever 6 FSM.
Ever 4 Service Children - which means any child who has been, or is currently part of one of the armed forces. The funding for this money goes back 4 years, even if the parent has not been in the forces for three years the funding goes back at least four years, hence the reason it is called Ever 4 Service Children.
Children adopted from care - which means any child who has been looked after, immediately before or after December 2005, or who were placed on a Special Guardianship or residence Order.
As a school we have a small number of pupils who are eligible for funding in each year group and quite a small amount of funding. As the numbers are generally less than 5 in each year group the numbers are not really of any value statistically which means it is hard to pick out trends from one year to the next. For example in one year group we may have 2 children eligible for the funding as such we could have: 0%, 50%, or 100% of pupils achieving what they should and the next the same again.
Pupil Premium Strategy