Community News

Sholden C of E Primary School is very fortunate to be surrounded by a wonderful and supportive community. 

This page will celebrate all the support Sholden C of E Primary School has received from businesses, community groups and residents that live and work in wonderful Deal, Sholden and its surrounding towns and villages. 

Firstly we want to thank the residents of Sholden Village for their continued support. We have some lovely volunteers that come into school to hear the children read which is so valuable and greatly appreciated.

If volunteering at the school is something that interests you, please email: 

We are always on the look out for: 

  • volunteer readers
  • Volunteer cooking helpers, to introduce children to simple recipes 
  • Gardeners 
  • General Helpers 


Community Events

DEALT RNLI Art Competition - displayed in Deal Library and at the RNLI 200th Anniversary Celebrations Event


Deal Town Football Mascots







Community Help

In the past local businesses have supported the school with their generosity in many ways. 

When Covid-19 hit, School budgets took a hit with extra money having to be spent on cleaning and safeguarding the school community.

The school has had to make long term changes in a short period with money that wasn't available.

But with the support of businesses such as MKM and Archers Low Nursery it has made the demands a little easier. 

            Archers Low Nursery