Soaring to Success

Welcome to Sholden Church of England Primary School

Do you, or someone you know, have a child starting primary school in September 2024?

Starting a new school for the first time at any point in a child’s education is a very important step in their life; our aim and concern is to make this step as easy and successful as possible.We would recommend a school visit to ensure you find the right place for your child.

School Tours at Sholden CEP School are available on request.

To book a tour or for more information, please contact the school office on Tel 01304 374852  or email (please provide a telephone number so that we can contact you).

Applications for primary school places for Reception in September 2024 open on Friday 3 November 2023 and close on Monday 15 January 2024.

For more information on how to apply and advice on choosing a school visit:

We look forward to meeting you.

Dawn Theaker



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